
History of Bakoven

 The name Bakoven is Dutch in origin, Bakoven is named after the rock offshore which is shaped like a baking oven. The suburb is the last residential area on the West coast of the peninsula, South of this is a protected fynbos nature reserve. This area from Bakoven to Hout Bay is one of the most travelled roads in Cape Town.

The postcode for Bakoven is 8005

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Useful Numbers

Police: Camps bay 021 437 8150
Traffic department:
Fire: 107 or 021 480 7700
Water: 0860 103 089
Electricity: 0860 103 089
Ambulance: 10177
Post office; Camps bay 021 438 9640
Closest hospital/clinic; Dr Anderson Surgery 00 324 901
Pharmacy; Camps Bay Lite kem 021 438 2088
SPCA: Cape of Good Hope 021 700 4140
Library: Camps bay 021 444 0487
Closest schools; Camps Bay Primary 021 438 1503
Camps Bay Prep 021 438 8075
Camps Bay High 021 438 1507

The City of Cape Town Public Emergency Communication Centre is available 24/7 For all life or property-threatening emergencies, call 021 480 7700 from any phone or 107 from a landline or report online at

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