Pearly Beach Village

pearly beach

History of Pearly Beach

Province: Western Cape
Coordinates: 34.665°S 19.501°E
Area; 3.92 km2
Municipality; Overstrand

Pearly Beach has been a seaside holiday spot for families since the 1920s. It suits the name”Pearl of all beaches” with its epic long white sandy beach. It is a great place to view Southern Right whales from July to September when they are often seen close to the shore. Local wisdom says that bad weather is on the way when you see whales breaching.

Read about whales and dolphins here

The postcodes here are 7220 (Streets) and 7221 (Boxes)


see all listings in Pearly Beach


Things to see and do in Pearly Beach

Useful Numbers

  • Most services and amenities are in Gans Baai
  • Police: Gans Baai- 028 384 0201
  • Municipality: 028 384 8300
  • Traffic department: Gansbaai Traffic Department-028 384 8300
  • Fire Department: 028 313 8980 / 24 Hour: 028 312 2400
  • Post office; Agency-28 381 9207
  • Library: Gansbaai Library-028 384 8300
  • Private hospital: 028 313 0168
  • Provincial hospital: 028 312 1166
  • Ambulance: 078 699 6995
  • SPCA: BARC Animal Welfare – Gansbaai-083 742 3903

Some Local Listings