
Kranshoek, founded by Griqua pioneers

History of Kranshoek


The history of Kranshoek is deeply connected to the Khoisan people, who were the original inhabitants of the area. It is a picturesque coastal village known for its dramatic cliffs, stunning ocean views, and rich cultural heritage. It offers a peaceful escape and excellent hiking opportunities along the Garden Route. The town was founded in the early 1900s by a group of Griqua trekkers led by  Abraham le Fleur. The group had been displaced from their land near Kokstad. Le Fleur was the one who founded the Griqua National Conference in 1904, he also founded the Griqua Independent Church. There is a monument that was erected in 1942 to commemorate the Griqua pioneers.

In the mid-20th century, Kranshoek was officially established as a village when the South African government, under apartheid policies, resettled a group of people in the area. Many of these residents were descendants of the Khoisan and other marginalized communities. The village was part of a broader effort by the government to forcibly remove non-white populations from more developed areas, relocating them to more remote and less economically viable regions.

The postcode for Kranshoek is 6605 The license plate prefix is CX

Things to see and do in Kranshoek


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Useful Numbers


Police: Plettenburg bay 044 501 1900

Traffic department: Plettenberg Bay 044 501 3251

Municipality: 044 501 3174/5

Fire:  044 533 5000

`Water:  044 501 3160

 Electricity: 044 501 3174/5

Ambulance: 10177

Post office; Plettenberg Bay 044 533 1260

Library: 044 533 9360

Clinic: 044 533 9333

Closest hospital; Plettenberg Bay Mediclinic- 044 501 5100

Pharmacy; Robberg pharmacy –044 501 5100

SPCA: Plett Animal Welfare Society- 083 287 9917

Schools: Kranshoek Primary School- 0445339357




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