Books new and old

Knowledge is power and the best way to gain this is by reading. Here is a short article about books  and listings of a couple of stores in the Western Cape.

  • “Fill your house with stacks of books, in all the crannies and all the nooks.” – Dr Seuss

Even if you are not a bibliophile you would surely recognise the smell and sound of opening a new book that nobody has read before or the thrill of being among the first to read a new release. There is something so exciting about the anticipation of getting your hands on a newly released copy after waiting in a queue or even being among the lucky few to be invited to a book launch.

New books in South Africa are generally expensive but this does not need to prevent you from reading. You will find phone numbers for all the libraries in the Western Cape in our Towns and Suburbs section on this site

South Africans are still buying books. If they cannot afford to buy new books, the market for second-hand books is huge. From well-stocked local second-hand bookstores to flea markets to street vendors selling worn paperbacks at the side of the road.

Second-hand and vintage books have their own special appeal from old-fashioned children’s books to old recipe books to collectable first editions. The search is much like a treasure hunt. This is not the only reason to buy second-hand books,

How about?

  • Money saving: new books cost a lot of money so if you find second-hand books you are likely to be able to read more. So head to a second-hand book store near you and spend time browsing the shelves.
  • Save the environment:  Millions of trees are cut to make paper for new books every year

 Preloved books

A pre-owned book carries a history, often the previous owner scribbled notes in the margins, they will often have been signed by the owner or you may find a note if the book was a gift. Look out for books signed by the author. You can add your notes knowing that if you pass it on, someone else will find your notes as the circle continues. Old books with their brittle yellowed pages have their distinctive smell that is perfume to a book lover.

While it is important to care for your books they are meant to be read and enjoyed whether at a desk or on the beach. Some books are so old they need to be treated with care and respect but a well-read paperback can be enjoyed and left in the aeroplane seat pocket.

When I am dead I hope it may be said “His sins were scarlet but his books were read”  Hillaire Belloc
