History of Darling

This town was founded in 1853 on the farm Langfontein in the Groenkloof area. It was named after Sir Charles Henry Darling who came to the Cape as Lieutenant Governor in 1851.

During the Second World War, there was German U-Boat activity off the coast of South Africa and in order to help provide some security to Naval convoys, the South African Air Force constructed and expanded facilities at airfields around the coast. In 1943, 23 Squadron arrived here and the Ventura aircraft patrolled the sea approaches to Cape Town. A detachment of 27 squadron arrived a few months later. At the end of that year, the Venturas of 29 Operational Training Unit (OTU) were relocated from Nigel to Darling for torpedo training.

The Iron hangar was built in 1944. That same year Ventura 6457 of 27 Squadron crashed into Dassenberg killing the crew. The wreckage was discovered only in 1988 and taken to the SA Air Force museum.
After the war, the airfield was seldom used as operations moved to Langebaanweg.

Postcodes for Darling Street Code: 7345. Box Code: 7345.

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Things to do and see in Darling

  • Voorkamer Fest tasha@thedarlingtrust.org  072 573 7937 Theatre productions are performed in residents’ homes. (September)
  • The Darling Cellars “crush’ day is in February or March
  • A winter beer fest in July
  • The Hildebrand monument  
  • The prestigious Darling ttu mountain bike race takes place in October, 022 451 2202
  • The Darling Wildflower show in September
  • Rock the daisies in October
  • Wheels of Time 2-day cycle challenge
  • Walk in Walk out Farmers market on Thursdays from 16.00 to 17.30, Fontein Street

Useful Numbers

  • Police: 022 409 1300
  • Municipality; Kerk St  022 492 2237
  • Traffic department: Malmesbury 022 487 9400
  • Fire: 022 4822996
  • Municipality Malmesbury-022 487 9400 A/H 022 487 9479
  • Water: 022 487 9400
  • Electricity: 022 487 9400
  • Ambulance: 082 222 6323
  • Post office;022 492 2780
  • Library:022 492 2237
  • Closest hospital;  Clinic 022 492 2626
  • Pharmacy; 022492 2782
  • SPCA: Swartland022 492 2781
  • ” Die Courant”: 022 487 3221
  • Swartland Gazette: 022 482 3817
  • Schools: Darling Primary – 022 492 2503
    Vooruitsig primary – 022 492 2678
  • Museum; 022 492 3361
  • Tourism; 022 492 3361

Close by are the other interesting small towns: Mamre: Jakkalsfontein, Grotto Bay: Yzerfontein

