Choose a package



• 1 Image
Title (name of business)
• Phone numbers (Landline and cell phone)
• Email address
• Business Address
• Business hours
• List in 1 Category
• List in 1 area
• Description: 350 Characters
• Choose any relevantTags




• 1 Image
Title (name of business)
• Phone numbers (Landline and cell phone)
• Email address
• Business Address
• Business hours
• List in 4 Categories
• List in 4 areas
• Description: 350 Characters
• Choose any relevant Tags
Add any 4 URLs for your other web pages

Click here to see how to add your listing

Click here to pay for a full-linked listing use you listing name as a reference.

Edit or delete your listing at any time.

Your listing will be up for one year to keep the content current. You will receive a notification to renew after a year has passed. After you submit your listing, your address and email will be added to the listing when it is activated. If you would rather not publish your address on your listing please inform Colourdots.

If our researchers have added your business and you do not want the free listing, please notify us here. and the listing will be deleted.

Community, Activities, and Attractions

This useful local information can be added by anyone. You are invited to add community listings. Any information can be added to promote attractions and activities in your hometown. Otherwise, you can notify Colourdots of information that the general public would find useful and interesting. This will be researched and included on the site. You can mail details of your suggestions  here

Local noticeboard

Send information about local events to  In the subject line write (events) and your region


We want to keep our clients happy. Please contact us at if your experience is less than great.

Any other questions?

Contact us


If you have any ideas on how to improve the site or any content to add  please contact us