
History of Kylemore

Province: Western Cape
Coordinates:33°55′S 18°57′E
Area:0.94 km2
Municipality: Stellenbosch

Kylemore is named after a town in Ireland it is home to a previously disadvantaged and economically vulnerable community. many of the inhabitants are officially unemployed apart from seasonal work as farm labour. For the rest of the time they rely on personal endeavours but opportunities are limited.

The postcodes are 7600 (Streets) and 7680 (Boxes)


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Useful Numbers

Numbers are mostly Stellenbosch numbers

  • Police: 021 888 5940
  • Municipality-021 888 5100
  • Traffic department:021 808 8800
  • Fire: 021 808 8888
  • Water:021 888 5100
  • Electricity:021 888 5100
  • Ambulance: 10177
  • Post office;021 886 7521
  • Library:Stellenbosch-021 808 8385
  • Closest hospital; Stellenbosch Provincial Hospital-021 808 6100
  • Clinic-021 885 2504
  • SPCA: 021 700 4140 Cape Of Good Hope
  • Schools:
  • Kylemore Secondary School-021 885 1341
  • P.C. Petersen Primary School-021 885 1616
  •  Kylemore Kleuterskool-021 885 2286

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