The Riebeek Valley Museum
The Riebeek Museum is situated in De Oude Kerk which opened its doors in 1855, Unfortunately, a pastor didn’t arrive in Riebeek Kasteel until 1881 due to a lack of funds. The building is now a museum. It pays tribute to the Voortrekkers who settled here. You will find plenty of wagons, farming implements, school desks, hymn books, and other antiques in the museum.
There is a horse-drawn hearse with a coffin which dates back to 1880. Because of a shortage of wood during the flu epidemic of 1918, bodies were wrapped in a sheet before being placed in the coffin. Coffins were re-used, over and over again. De Oude Kerk is said to be haunted, many visitors speak of feeling ghostly cold spots, especially by the old pram displayed in the museum.
The Museum, in loving service to all members of the community, holds dear, the past, present, and future history of the Riebeek Valley. The church is still used.
Main Street, Riebeek-Kasteel