Groot Schuur residence

State Prsidents residence in Rondebosch

Groot Schuur residence is the official home of the State President of South Africa. The home is set against the slopes of Table Mountain and has a stunning view over towards the Overberg. Tours can be arranged if scheduled in advance

Cecil John Rhodes, who became Prime Minister of the Cape Colony in 1890 felt that it was appropriate that he should have a home to suit his position as a statesman. He found a house on the mountain slope called ‘”The Grange”. The history of which dated back to the earliest days of the Dutch settlement. It was then known as  ‘Groote Schuur’ (great granary or barn). Rhodes leased the house in 1891 and bought it in 1893. Rhodes hired Herbert Baker, a well-known architect who was visiting Cape Town at the time, to renovate the building.

Much of the house was destroyed in a fire on 15 December 1896.Baker rebuilt the house without departing from the original design and added a new wing. Terraces were laid out and planted with luxurious foliage.

The Stone pines (Pinus pinea) on the Groot Schuur property and also around the peninsula were originally planted by the Dutch in the 1700s.  More of the pines were planted in the 1890s at the behest of  Cecil John Rhodes. He introduced many alien species to the Cape, some of which have become invasive. The cones of the pines produce edible seeds locally known as dennepitte. however, the trees are thirsty and damaging to the local biodiversity. Most of these pines however are nearing their natural lifespan. They are not being replaced.

Rhodes bequeathed Groote Schuur Estate to the nation under strict conditions that it would be used for public purposes. All new buildings had to be constructed in architectural harmony with the existing buildings and the land would not be sold or developed which is why the area has been largely protected.

Klipper Road, Rondebosch





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