Kamanassie nature reserve
Kamanassie nature reserve is a trove of Khoisan history, the name means “Mountain of water” in the Khoisan language. The area is dotted with caves with many examples of rock art. This area receives rain throughout the year. This sustains the vegetation, which in turn supports and sustains the small herd of endangered Cape mountain zebra, which are greatly dependent on water.
These animals were nearly hunted to extinction when they were used as a resource to feed the servants of farmers in the area. The zebra at Kamanassie are descended from a pure gene pool as no animals have been introduced. However, from just 6 animals in the 1970s, there is now a herd of over 40. The reserve office is in Uniondale, where you can get an entry permit for the reserve. There is also a self-catering guesthouse at this venue.
The perimeter of the reserve is 131.8 km. The total area of the mountain range, managed by CapeNature is 49 430 ha, of which 22 374 ha is privately owned. The remaining 27 056 ha is state-owned land.
coordinates 33°33’50”S and 33°37’10”S and 22°27’29”E and 23°01’55”E.
Trails in the reserve