Stompneusbaai lighthouse
StompneusbaaiLighthouse is a beautiful structure situated at the southwestern end of St Helena Bay. It replaced an earlier wooden structure. This is not a traditional Lighthouse, but a Lead Light one. The area was bought to establish Shelly Point Estate and the owner who was a Lighthouse enthusiast built this structure. It is an 8-metre tall square masonry tower painted white with a lantern and a green dome. The focal plane is 11 meters. The light of  ​1,403 candelas flashes once every 3 seconds and can be seen for 10 nautical miles.
There is a parking area on 14th Street. The walk from there to the lighthouse is about 150 meters.
 GPS  S32.704194 E17.981242  32°42’15.1″S 17°58’52.5″E