Van Riebeekstrand Beach
Van Riebeeckstrand is a flat sandy beach just north of Kapteinsbaai in (Melkbosstrand) on the opposite bank of the Sout River. It is about 2 Km long extending from the river north towards the Koeberg Nuclear Plant’s restricted zone.
This beach is mostly deserted but sometimes frequented by locals walking their dogs. Swimming is fairly safe with a gradual underwater slope, but the sea gets rough when it is windy. Swimming, body-boarding or surfing is good here in relative peace.
This is a beach for windsurfers, the wind direction is Wind SE, S, SW, NW. The beach has a great left break with swells of up to 3 metres. The beach is long with lots of wave-riding opportunities all year round.
* Periwinkles are abundant here. These are edible molluscs caught by locals as a food source or delicacy. A fishing permit is required if you want to collect these.
Bordering the protected area, to the north, is the Koeberg Nature Conservation Area. This is generally open to the public. Before visiting this area it is best to check as it can be closed due to reasons known only to them.
The Koeberg Nature Conservation Area has running, cycling and 2 popular hiking trails
13 Strand Rd, Van Riebeeckstrand, connected to Koeberg conservation.
Check the sea temperature here
Check the tides here
Best beaches in the Western Cape article