Marina Da Gama

History of Marina Da Gama

This suburb is a residential development which was established in 1970 along the East bank of Zandvlei. Soil dredged to create lagoons and canals was dumped into the vlei. This created an island which had not previously existed. The canals in the area require perennial water unlike the natural situation and the vlei is no longer as seasonal as it originally was.

The postal code is 7945


see all listings in Marina da gama

Useful Numbers

( most services and amenities are in nearby Muizenberg)

  • Police: 021 787 9000
  • Traffic department: Fishhoek 0860 103 089
  • Fire: Lakeside Fire Station-021 480 7700
  • Water:0860 103 089
  • Electricity:0860 103 089
  • Ambulance: 10177
  • Post office;021 788 2675
  • Closest hospital/clinic;Muizenberg Clinic-021 444 3914
  • Pharmacy;Muizenburg-Rustenburg Pharmacy-021 788 8028
  • SPCA: Cape Of Good Hope 021 700 4140

