Province: Western Cape

Coordinates: 34°1′S 18°33′E

Area: 0.74 km2

Municipality; City of Cape Town

History of Wetton

This is a small suburb in Cape Town that was declared as a “whites-only” area. Post 1994 coloured people began to move back into the suburb. Proximity to key arterial roads, including the M5 and M4 ensures that residents and businesses benefit from optimal accessibility

The postcode for Wetton is 7780

Things to do and see in Wetton

  • The image is the old graveyard


All listings in Wetton

Useful Numbers

Police: Saps Lansdowne-021 700 9045

Traffic department: Hillstar Traffic Department- 0860 103 089

Fire: Ottery Fire Station-021 444 3500

`Water: 0860 103 089

 Electricity: 0860 103 089

Ambulance: 10177

Post office;   Ottery – 021 704 2209

Closest hospital;  Family health centre-021 703 2517

Library: Ottery-021 400 4410

Pharmacy: Vitacare Pharmacy-Lansdowne-021 703 5619

SPCA: Cape of Good Hope -021 700 4140

The City of Cape Town Public Emergency Communication Centre is available 24/7 For all life or property threatening emergencies, call 021 480 7700 from any phone or 107 from a landline or report online at

