
Township near Ysterplaat airbase

History of Windermere

Windermere, Previously known as Kensington estate is near the Ysterplaat airbase. It was named in 1928 after Lake Windermere in England. It is a settlement that was declared a “coloured area” by the “group areas act of 1950. The area was established on subdivided farmlands and residents were owners, tenants, and squatters, these squatters were mainly migrants from the Eastern Cape. In 1923 only about 2000 people were living there but by the 1940s the population had grown to about 35000. The area is one of the more diverse communities in Cape


see all listings in Winderme


Useful Numbers

  • Police: Brooklyn -012 366 1700
  • Traffic department: Milnerton Traffic Department-0860 103 089
  • Fire: Brooklyn Fire Station-021 510 5180
  • Water: 0860 103 089
  • Electricity:0860 103 089
  • Ambulance: 10177
  • Post office; Maitland-021 511 3793
  • Library; Brooklyn Public Library-021 444 5994
  • Closest hospital; S.A.M.S – Ysterplaat Military Clinic Sick Bay-021 508 6166
  • Pharmacy; Ysterplaat Medical Supplies-021 551 0838
  • SPCA: Cape of Good Hope SPCA-021 700 4140
  • Schools;

S Windermere Primary School – 021 593 8264
Windermere Secondary School – 021 593 2550,
Wingfield Primary School-021 593 8687
Sunderland Primary School-021 593 2210
W.D. Hendricks Primary-021 593 0480

The City of Cape Town Public Emergency Communication Centre is available 24/7 For all life or property-threatening emergencies, call 021 480 7700 from any phone or 107 from a landline or report online at
